Yo! I'm back. Wow, it's been a while, a long while since i've continue writing craps here. But this time I'm not really crapping.
I remember my BM tuition teacher, Ms Kok, always tells us her trademark quote : "jadi manusia memang susah. Tapi mahu jadi tak?". I want to add something to it. Life is hard, definately. But it seems we don't really have a choice. Yes i know people can choose to just end their life. But i think that's really selfish. First of all, think of the mighty one that created you. Can u calculate the probability of having a baby? I'll giv u some variables. There's only approx 5 days in a month for a women to be fertile. As for men, there are billions of sperm swimming and only max one or two would get through, if they get through. So, what do u think?
I'm not good in biology nor i am good in literature or philosophy but what i wanted to say is that it's consider a miracle that all of us are able to live on earth for a period of time. 2ndly, we think of our moms. They say that the number one pain in the world is when a mom is giving birth to a child. Though it could be just within hours, but it hurts the most. So, before someone think of ending their life, should think of this first.
3rdly, i would suggest someone to kill themselves(if they prefer to) to do it when they're young. Why? As time goes by, you get to know more people, and more or less there's always a minimum of one or two true friends that care for u, or if u're lucky you would meet someone who loves u. I'm not sure bout u, but for me even if i don't appreciate my own life, i would appreciate the love and care that people gave to me.
It's never easy when u face problems u felt there's no solution to it. But for me, I believe there's always a solution to everything. The only thing that stops us from seeing it is that in our mind we already preset that there's no solution. Yes every human has their different level of handling problems, and every problems has their different difficulties. But I believe that as long as u share ur problems, 2 brains is always better than 1 brain rite? It's not bout being independent or what, it's good that u can solve problems urself. But if u can't, there's no harm seeking other people's help.
I know i sound like an old man telling old man stories. I'm sorry for that.
Well, recently there's some conflict between me and darling. It could be that I just finished my exams and that's why i was under alot of stress. Nah, i think that's just an excuse. I think it's more bout my stress management skills. I felt so lousy now. I know I'm not a good boyfriend. But I'm trying my best to be one.
As for darling, I know she's having a tough life. I might not be able to understand fully the things she's gone through, But I'll always try to look from the point of view of her side, and try to understand. I knoe I can't do much nor I'm not good in comforting people, especially I'm in such a long distance, but I am willing to be a good listener and if necessary I'll be a good sandbag to release stress.
Life of Eternity Slowly Evolve over an Obvious Enigma.
That's the phrase I want to dedicate to my darling. For u peeps, don't worry bout trying to find out the meaning of this phrase, it's something only me and my darling understand.