boring post...

Woooooooo. This place is left to rust. lolx. Yeah it's been so so so long i update this page. Yeah people have been asking me, am i ever gonna revive this blog or not. Ok first let me apologize for not updating, you can say that i'm busy, or you can say i'm giving an excuse or being busy. up to you how you want to see it.

Anyway this post will be a mix update again, about me, myself and I. So no interesting photos or story.

Man, I don't even know where to start and i'm just crapping to make the post look lengthy. Ok I shall stop crapping and start writing something meaningful.

Ok, my life in Singapore. It's been about 2 months since I'm here. And to be frank, the only place I've been to is around Jurong area, which is where I stay and where my campus is. Obviously the reason would be that during day time weekdays I'll be in campus, during night time I'll spent most of my time in the campus too studying lol. NO, I'M NOT BEING A NERD AGAIN. Just that, this course is pretty difficult, content wise and intensity wise. It's module based, and we focus on one subject at a time. I.e, we have lectures only for one subject consecutively for 2 weeks, and then we'll have a exam on the 3rd week. After that this subject can be thrown to the basket, provided i pass of course. This is where the difficulty is, although only focusing on one subject.

As you all know, or not know, this is a joined-degree program by NTU, ranked 73rd overall now, and TUM, one of the top 3 elite University in Germany, with a history of at least 6 noble prize winners from the Uni. Ok, the numbers are good, but actually to be frank, NTU is not that good in terms of teaching quality actually. There's a rumours saying that NTU will not hire their own PhD grads as Professors there, reason...use your imagination la...TUM, acronym for Technische Universitaet Muenchen, on the other hand, is still very prestigious. Unfortunately, we will not be going to the campus in Munich for any lectures. The course is designed such a way that some of the courses are taught by TUM Professors, and they will make their way to NTU for 2 weeks as guest lecturer. Last 2 weeks, we had the dean of Electrical and Information Technology department Professor Ulf Schlichtmann to teach us Design Methodology and Automation. This module that we're currently doing now, Professor Andreas Heckersdorf is giving us lecture on System on Chip Solution and Architecture. After having 2 modules from NTU prof, and now German Prof, you can see the huge difference in teaching quality. Now that i think back, though my previous Uni wasn't that prestigious in terms of ranking, but we had good quality Professors.

That's about my study life. Other than studying, sports is my main entertainment now. I've been active in badminton again, after so long and i'm slowly regaining my strokes and footwork, though i'm far lag behind if you compare my standard when i was in primary school. I do play basketball too once in a while, and one thing about Singapore is that their sports facility are very very very well maintain, regardless of those public area or private sport complex. The only problem is that, to get a good and cheap badminton court, you have to book very advance. It's quite sad to see that, despite their good facilities, and averagely high standard sports level, you don't get to see Singaporean hitting the limelight in sports world. They're just lag of manpower, and luck i would say lolx.

I will do more update soon, but for now that's about it...



Kelsen Loh said...

not boring at all lo OK?
at least we know what's happening there, take good care my bro!

shuifen said...

yeah, i agree with kelsen. it's not boring at all! at least we get a glimpse about yur campus and yur course. and also some snippets of yur life there. ;)

wow, yuu stay in jurong! so far!! do yuu go to the city to 'walk walk'?

i think one very good advantage of focusing solely on one subject only is can just concentrate on one subect only. however, at the pace of yur course - being 2 weeks packed with classes then exam on the 3rd week, that's a little crazy. haha. not for lazy ppl like me. i can't study everyday. lol.

Douglas said...
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Douglas said...

OMG is it an illusion? am i dreaming? i see comment on boring lol...

yeah well initially i have no time to update blog, and slowly i became too lazy to blog eventhough i have the time..and now i kinda lose much interest in blogging...but i will still update from time to time.

haha when we had our orientation, they also include one of the positive selling point of this course is that you focus on one subject at a time. But i can tell you, it looks better than it seems to be actually. Firstly you really lose alot of information as you are pound with long hour lectures just on one subject, and as you know, the concentration will drop drastically after a long time. 2ndly you will not have the chance to brush up your basics as you are expected to know, or remember the basics...ok i can go on and on talking about the disadvantage lolx..

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