Nooby day

First day at work! Well, as expected I felt so noob. Today there's a group meeting and division meeting. In both meeting it's like everyone is so actively participating in the conversation and I'm just like nooooob. I hope in 1 week time I'm able to pick all those up! Tomoro will be another nothing-to-do day.

Well, I hope this job is really what I want. Now I'm looking forward for 2 things. One is to get familiar with the technical environment and the other one is my first payday haha. Sigh, long long way to go.

As for personal stuff, It has been kinda turmoil. I did enjoy my week last week where my bro Kel came over to Singapore for business and pleasure trip. We had a few meals of hawker which was so enjoying. He treat me quite number of times coz I'm freaking broke. Then we had BBQ on Friday night at my place. We bought too much food and in the end it was all wasted. Then on Saturday we went East Coast Park for cycling. There were about 9 of us and I really enjoyed it so much because it has been a long long while since I ride on a bicycle. Next target is roller blade. Also, I finally met up with Wenni. On Sunday we went casino and of course I didn't gamble just to go in and see. Then we walk around Marina and Clementi mall. Manage to get my working clothes, but have to borrow money from Kelsen first sigh sigh. Then we took off to the airport and we had a nice japanese meal before he took off. Overall was great!

But also I did receive some unexpected sms and email. Again, it almost ended in a bad manner but I guess now everything's much clearer. Now that it's really over, I did felt a lil empty in the part of life. But well, I guess it's a choice I have to make and live with it. I will definitely remember all the sweet memories. It is still one of the best moments of my life. I wonder, with my appearance and my quality, will anyone be attracted to me? Perhaps I'm gonna be single my whole life.

Freaking tired, that's the end of my day.

