Moving out

Everytime i want to update my blog, i just can't. I can't find a time to do so. I'm really busy these weeks because I'm moving out of my room. I'll explain later in my post where I'll stay now, and how long will i take to come back. Well, just that I've been cleaning and painting the whole day, i finally get to have some rest time. 2moro, I have to clean the bathroom and the kitchen. Moving out is really shitty especially you have to keep things clean in order to get the deposit back. Well, 3 years living in this room, and although it's just a room and it's located in a shitty town, but it still have sentimental value to me. Now that I have to move out, I felt a bit emotional.

Sighz, Now that i have time to update blog, I felt sleepy. I guess I'll do it after I've settled down in another place. Oh btw, I'll not have my unlimited 6Mbits/s internet anymore. So, I'll seldom online these days. The good thing is I can finally learn how to be less dependent on this fast speed internet so when i come back malaysia i don't feel the pain. I might not even have internet connection unless I'm in the institute. Patience, it will be soon over!


Kelsen Loh said...

everything will be fine, chill.
i have some memory in ur shelter too, i can imagine it...
