糯米鸡,Glutinous Chicken Rice

I wanted to blog about the grandfather award given to our "Hero" today but I'll leave it to 2moro maybe coz i was back late from a more interesting things today. Maybe I'll just make it a summary. only one phrase to describe it, WHAT THE FUCK!!! DOES HE DESERVE IT??? The moral of this thing is to stop teaching your kids to study, just go and do sports from young, and go through heeps of training and just go win a medal, and guess what you will be given a rank very soon lolz!!

Forget about the thingy, lets talk about today's experiment. Loh Mai Kai!!! Loh Kar Sang's brother lolx...nah....i mean Glutinous Chicken Rice. Well, as i mentioned before, I am not a pro so I won't put up the recipe. Go search for it online yourself lolx. Anywayz, check out the pics ya.

This is the first one.

This is the one with EXTRA chicken and mushroom on it. I call it the X-LMK....for obvious reasons and NO, it's not a new member of Prof. Xavier's new student.

This is the comparison of the big bowl and small bowl. Hmm, doesn't look so different in this pic though. Hehe.

So, people what you think about it??


Kean L said...

omg. u did that????????? ur nuts!

Douglas said...

When it comes to cooking, trust me your Boyfriend aka Sifu aka Sheng Wa is more nuts than me hahaha! I bet this is like 3 year old work for him...

Anonymous said...

but lo mai kai needs lotsa handwork thingy rite? teach shengwa how 2 make lah. den next time i can eat for freeehehehe.. :P

Douglas said...

aha...i am actually waiting for shengwa to comment coz he always comment on my food post...but dunno why he's missing in this lolx....

aiya if la..if..i mean the 0.01% probability chance that sheng wa doesn't know how to make...i'll sure teach him wan..he teach me so many things di.....he still owe me a decoration lesson and baking lessons hehe..

Star☆ said...

i agree with yuu. i dun think lee chong wei deserves the datukship. >_>

i mean wtf. litat also can get the title? makes me title so cheap. not to mention the many fake datukship around that were bought with money.

Kean L said...

haha. allow me 2 let d cat out of the bag. he doesn't noe how! Looks like Mr. know-it-all does not noe it all after all. :P but i'm truly amazed wit that passion u guys have 4 cookin. keep it up! :D
