Officially, I graduated in December 2008 but my certificate was issued to me only in January, so i can put the first highlight of the year to be my graduation. Overall, I rate Germany's study experience as excellent, not academically, but in terms of life and survival experience. Yes though i have my wonderful moments there, I do admit it's really suffering most of the time, physically mentally and emotionally. But it does make me stronger and wiser!
This year was quite fruity with trips too. just days after i touched down at KLIA, i went to Melacca for CNY celebration with my relatives which was quite good as i've not met them in ages. Since i just touched down, it seems to me that all those local food ar like treasure. Then it was the Kuching trip somewhere around march for a few days to visit my bro. nothing much to do there as it was more like visiting my bro. a few days after that was my Hongkong/Shenzhen/Guangzhou trip. Was quite a good trip and my aunt bought me lots of clothings/shoes. Then there was the Australia trip which wasn't that nice coz my parents are like fighting all the time, but still it's a good experience especially travelling during the peak of H1N1 season. Days after that would be my Melacca trip again but this time with my gf. 2 days but was fun with those food hunt. Then finally Singapore trip which happen not long ago with my gf. well those had my FB would've seen those photos.
The next thing talk about is my future. Well, initially i was a lil peer pressured to find a job as people around me were all working, but i was determined to pursue my dreams too and there i go, and i was accepted to do a joined degree masters program in NTU, alias with TUM of Germany. So far, I've been managing my masters well and still get quite good results although not the best. But after doing masters, i think i'm starting to give up my dreams of doing PhD for several reasons which i'm not gonna mention here.
Well there are more things to talked about but i think i've given the main highlights here. Lastly i would wanna mention the HIGHLIGHT of THE YEAR. I found what i've lost, again. Yes, i know some people would be laughing, but hey we're already at this age. Nothing to laugh about. Every decision we make is for our own interest. I believe true friends will truly understand our decision and would give us full support. It happen around April/May but you can say it wasn't that official a that time. Well i think i better be more straight forward. I found love again, with the most wonderful girl i've ever met. I'm not much of a religious person, but I do believe we're fated together. Of course it took us quite a lil to settle down and finally have a good relationship. Maybe it's too early to say, but i am quite sure she's the one for me, forever.
When we talked about forever, at the age of 24, its no more a kiddy thingy. I have full trust in her, and i am firm that she trusted me too. As i've mentioned once before in my previous post, she's the best thing that ever happen to me, and she'll always be.
and lastly, i mean really lastly, I will take this opportunity to thank all those people who've read my blog constantly, that i will close this blog permanently. Though i've not been updating for months, but i noe there're some of you who visit this blog from time to time to see if there's any update. I'm sorry to disappoint you, and due to some personal reason i've decided to take this move. It's not a temporary thingy, neither it's a move of blogsite. I will still keep this blog going, in case any of you(including myself) want to come and read back on those old posts, but there will not be anymore updates. This blog was really a good companion and have been a good consultant to me especially when I'm emo and lonely, and yes though there're some happy and funny post, most of them as you can see, are those really sad post, which is one of the reason i decided to close it.
So, without saying further, Goodbye to all the readers, goodbye to myself as a writer, and wish every one a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Well personally, I'm not so much of sadness like how I used to be lolx. I'm quite happy for the past few months especially after i went home for a short visit. I had a wonderful 3 days holiday back home, though nothing out of the norm. But, as you all know, the best entertainment i enjoyed the most is not about the venue, or the things i do, it's more of the company. It's just great to be with the one you desired to be.
Ups n downs happens. Though I've been through quite abit in relationship, and I do consult lots of people when i'm feeling down, but now that my close friend are having a harsh moment, i just don't know what to say to him or how to make him better. Well i hope he's strong and recover soon.
Anyway back with my observation in Singapore. Singaporeans, in general, do lift up the kiasu title. Yes, those that i mix with, they're quite abit of perfectionist and they want everything to work out flawlessly. But you want my honest words? I feel that Malaysians are capable of competing with the local here in many aspect. Of coz, you wonder why our lovely country is still quite far lag behind in many aspects relative to our neighbour. I think the reason is quite obvious and i don't have to mention to you at all.
Anywayz i'm not much of a good position to comment on this issue. My father's 2 sisters are fortune tellers. When I was young, they told me that based on my physical structure of my face and palm, I'll either be a general, or a crook. But either way, I'll be a leader. Honestly I don't trust all this fortune telling thingy, and at least from what i know about my own character, I hate making decisions. I hate carrying responsibilities, I don't like to control people and I am very passive. I was wondering how can it be true. But let me show you the statistics. During primary school, I was selected by surprise as the head of prefect and it was really a controversial decision coz i was those kinda "rascal" prefect along with Julian and others. Many even predicted that I would be fired but who would expect me to reach the highest peak of the hierachy. Yes I was heavily pounded during the last days of my standard six, and i was condemn to the max for being the worse head of prefect coz i didn't perform my task well. During secondary 1 and 2, I was head of librarian and again I was "fired" coz i didn't perform the task well enough. Again the question arose, why was I even selected in the first place? what quality do i have to become the head? Btw, the word "fired" was quoted coz i wasn't actually fired, but i was not allowed to resign as it's their so called policy so i allow them to fire me anyway.
Continue with the statistic, form 4 came and i was somehow the class representative. How and why was i selected, again question. Again I didn't last long actually. From college to Uni and now to postgrad, I didn't hold much position as a leader actually, but everytime there's a group work or assignment, I will naturally be selected as the group leader. First day where i don't even know my coursemates in this postgrad course, i was automatically selected as the class rep. and now it's been about 2 months and i have a couple of group work and till now i'm always the leader of the group, and each time it's a different group member, but nontheless i'm still the group leader.
You get my point? I'm not boosting anything. I'm just wondering why am i always the selected one to be the leader though i don't have the leadership qualities? So base on the statistic, i start to believe in what my aunty said. But I'll not change my mentality, i still stick to the fact that i'm not a leader, never will be...
Anyway this post will be a mix update again, about me, myself and I. So no interesting photos or story.
Man, I don't even know where to start and i'm just crapping to make the post look lengthy. Ok I shall stop crapping and start writing something meaningful.
Ok, my life in Singapore. It's been about 2 months since I'm here. And to be frank, the only place I've been to is around Jurong area, which is where I stay and where my campus is. Obviously the reason would be that during day time weekdays I'll be in campus, during night time I'll spent most of my time in the campus too studying lol. NO, I'M NOT BEING A NERD AGAIN. Just that, this course is pretty difficult, content wise and intensity wise. It's module based, and we focus on one subject at a time. I.e, we have lectures only for one subject consecutively for 2 weeks, and then we'll have a exam on the 3rd week. After that this subject can be thrown to the basket, provided i pass of course. This is where the difficulty is, although only focusing on one subject.
As you all know, or not know, this is a joined-degree program by NTU, ranked 73rd overall now, and TUM, one of the top 3 elite University in Germany, with a history of at least 6 noble prize winners from the Uni. Ok, the numbers are good, but actually to be frank, NTU is not that good in terms of teaching quality actually. There's a rumours saying that NTU will not hire their own PhD grads as Professors there, reason...use your imagination la...TUM, acronym for Technische Universitaet Muenchen, on the other hand, is still very prestigious. Unfortunately, we will not be going to the campus in Munich for any lectures. The course is designed such a way that some of the courses are taught by TUM Professors, and they will make their way to NTU for 2 weeks as guest lecturer. Last 2 weeks, we had the dean of Electrical and Information Technology department Professor Ulf Schlichtmann to teach us Design Methodology and Automation. This module that we're currently doing now, Professor Andreas Heckersdorf is giving us lecture on System on Chip Solution and Architecture. After having 2 modules from NTU prof, and now German Prof, you can see the huge difference in teaching quality. Now that i think back, though my previous Uni wasn't that prestigious in terms of ranking, but we had good quality Professors.
That's about my study life. Other than studying, sports is my main entertainment now. I've been active in badminton again, after so long and i'm slowly regaining my strokes and footwork, though i'm far lag behind if you compare my standard when i was in primary school. I do play basketball too once in a while, and one thing about Singapore is that their sports facility are very very very well maintain, regardless of those public area or private sport complex. The only problem is that, to get a good and cheap badminton court, you have to book very advance. It's quite sad to see that, despite their good facilities, and averagely high standard sports level, you don't get to see Singaporean hitting the limelight in sports world. They're just lag of manpower, and luck i would say lolx.
I will do more update soon, but for now that's about it...
When it's no more an individual but a couple or group, we can't just think of our own welfare. We have to take consideration of ourselves and the other parties in many aspect. I would say the first thing is value in life. The main factor.
I wish I can get away from all those and be like how it used to be. I want assurance. I don't expect a 100%, as nothing is 100%. We don't know what our future lies, but at least I want to see a clear path ahead, a direction, a way, a route.
I am doubtful, and I am lost. I've lost direction and I've lost grip.
I've been missing out so many updates that I'm not sure where should I start again. I want to talk about my Australia trip but it has been quite some time already and so I guess I'll just forget it. I'll just update whatever i can remember.
Okayz, I've been having a honeymoon period from April and in May. I had 1 of my best birthday ever in 24 years of life, but I'll not tell u the details sorry. The month of June had been the month of fear + war + fatigue. I've been fighting and fighting and fighting but in the end, yes though victory has been achieved, but too many casualties in it that I really don't know if the victory is a well deserved one. Okay, I'm saying it in a metaphor way, so I don't really go into a physical fight or something. In this part I just prefer to be abstract abit, coz I just don't want to expose too many things. All I can say is that, I had a terrible month of June.
July didn't start off good either. The "war" continues and only recently it stops. But I still have some good moments. Well, as much as I am quite part of the "german culture", I tend to like products made of Germany lol. And so, I received a special gift, a surprise gift from someone special. It is one of my favourite fragrance...
The gift consist of Boss by Hugo Boss 100ml Eau de Toilette in a bottle form, a 40ml Eau de Toilette in a "ball" form, a small bottle of portable perfume, and a facial wash. Well I've been eying on this perfume for some time already since I was introduced to it. I actually thought of using up some of my salary from the part time job to get it, but it's still kinda expensive. This gift means so much to me, and i love it.
Despite all the sales going on around, I still didn't get much stuff for myself as I don't have much money. I still have a whole lots of things to shop, but just can't afford. Sigh...
Other than that, hmm there are some bits n pieces of good times I had. I guess I'll just save it up for the next time...
Too much I wanna share, but just too limited energy to spit out everything. Just update a lil on my life now. Still doing the part time job in the law firm in Midvalley. Doing clerical/typing job but at the same time learned alot bout the law. Though I would prefer to do have a job related to Engineering, but I know myself that my availability is not so suitable for one. Law is something that I don't really like despite I follow the law quite well, and I know I can't escape from it no matter where I am. My dislike about law is more towards the way things is organized. Not sure how to explain that as I am not a good describer.
I am always dead tired despite only doing this job for less than 2 months and it's only a part time. Most of the time I really missed my Internship/Thesis life in Fraunhofer Insitute, Germany. Though I have much more responsibility there, I felt more relax doing my job there. Why? Because it's my interest. I tend to pay more attention to what I do and therefore more careful. I mean, It's just so easy to set a circuit board on fire, than to burn a piece of contract right? I just love doing all those lab work. Though most of the time I have to really move my brain compare to what I'm doing now, I still love it so much. I love solving mathematical problems rather than arguing or telling someone that they have been summoned to pay money. I love soldering work rather than sending letters or reading Agreement. I love troubleshooting electrical signals rather than finding which Clause or section the defendant have offended in terms of law.
Well that's more or less about my life. I'm just being kinda emotional these days. I've seen changes around me, people around me, and also myself. But I'm a person who's stuck in da past. I just love the old me, the old things around me. I mean, Yes alot of those changes are in a way a positive one, but the very fact that changes happen means, you're no more in your comfort zone. I'm inflexible person. I would just love to stay in my comfort zone. But I can definately handle challenges if I have to face them. Just as an example I learned how to survive in Germany for 4 years. But that is because I was forced to face it. I'm very passive. I have to be pushed to face challenges. Sometimes I just can't take it easy on things despite there's nothing much I can do. I am kinda "overprotecting" myself in a way. I tend to misinterprete words so easily these days, as if I've lost my sense. I felt like a kid now, or rather I am craving so badly to turn back time to be a naive kid again. Yes, I am still naive now, a naive adult loser.
Anywayz I'm quitting my job this month so I would have more time to update. Hopefully I would have the motivation to blog!
Life seems pretty enjoyable despite the busyness and tiredness throughout the past few weeks. Had some wonderful outings and I know rumors or worse criticism has been circulating around me about myself. Not that I don't care, but all I can say is that human tend to see things on the surface. They judge based on the surface and therefore made conclusion before truly understanding the situation. I believe a wise person, or rather a true friend will understand me and probably change their thoughts on me when they get to know how I feel bout things. Anyway, seems abstract but I'll not go in details.
Recently, I've heard horrible news from friends, newspaper, media etc., such as raping, nude pics taken, murder, slaughter, etc etc. Where is the love?? What's wrong with these people?? I'll talk about the nude pics thingy since the others, I can only pray and hope that these people are brought to a fair justice and hope no more of his will happen. I bet u guys have read bout it in The Star newspaper and someone wrote a letter too saying the same opinion as i have. It's about this gal filing a police report of a threat by her ex-boyfriend to pose up her naked pics on the net if she doesn't pay a "break-up" fees. The question is, Why da hell do u allow someone to take naked pics of yours? I ask this question not just to a boy-gal relationship, but even to married couples. I mean, yes I know we do crazy things and we sometimes go over the limit when we're commited to the other person. We can do almost everything for them to make them happy. But not like that.
It's just the same thing. Alot of them aware of the danger of smoking to themselves and the people around them. But they still smoke. Why? Why do when u know it's harmful? Most of them will say to me that I'll understand them when I face the same stress level as them. Ermmm, there are many other ways to manage stress my dear "friend", and smoking is the last solution in that list. Some will also tell me it's peer pressure or worse, some will say it looks cool. You know why humans are different class of species? Because we have the ability to make our own judgement on things!!! So please don't tell me that you smoke or do other things you don't want to because people around you asked u to do so. If you have your stand, and you are firm with your principles, no one can shake you from doing those. I won't say that I'm a very strong person, but at least in terms of this, I'm good at it. I have never done things that goes against my principles no matter what type of stress or pressure I face. You know how i manage stress till this far? I think of my love ones. I think of the things they prevent me from doing for my own good, eventhough I was lost in contact with them for some time. I do my hobbies to release it, such as blogging, playing guitar, sports. I am not just talking about smoking here but in general to the things that you don't really want to do. Don't do it for whatever reason k? Everything comes with a consequences and sometimes it can be very very bad. Think before you act.
I just want to post up the new snow cap i bought which i've been looking for it for damn long time di. I would prefer to have a white one but too bad they don't have. So black will do. For the time being, I'll just present a photo of it taken wif my N70 front camera, and a photoshop version. Yes i know my photoshop skill sux...but watever....i'll be back wif more when i have the time...


Seeing all those improvements, I felt so proud of my own country. However, I felt that I'm really lost here. I felt that I'm starting to lose pace and kinda lag behind already.
Now even my friends have "upgraded" i felt. Well mostly material wise but also maturity. Well I can't really describe what I meant by upgraded in terms of material, but I'll give example. It's like in da past, they enter SEED shop and we think it's classy. Nowadays, they go Esprit, Zara, Topshop and we think it's classy. Last time we go pizza hut once a while during outings, now we go Italian restaurants for it. Starbucks seems so unaffordable, but now it seems regular. Last time it's Megamall, now it's Gardens. Last time it's Oh! Sushi, now it's Jogoya. Last time it's Casio/Swatch, now it's Titus/Tag Heuer. Last time it's Nokia 3310, now it's Iphone. Last time it's USB stick mp3, now it's Ipod Touch. Many many more....
Of course you would say that most friends are working and therefore have a better purchasing power. But I'm talking about the purchasing mentality not power. I think those stuff are also affordable to some last time, but just that they don't go for it. It's more like mentally upgraded than financially upgraded. I remember saving like mad just to get a swatch watch worth RM199 for my girlfriend during high school and that's like one of those big achievement coz it's freaking damn expensive. Nowadays, RM199 is like "slightly better than no brand" that's all.
Ok enough for the materials. Maturity? We talked about job market. We talked about share markets. We talked about our country in 10 years to come. We talked about possible development and the effects on us. We talked politics in a deeper manner. We talked about travelling in a more sophisicated way. But I just don't seem to blend with them anymore. Obviously it's because I'm not working yet. In fact I'm no where close to working since I'll be doing my masters soon. Even that, my friends who are not in the finance line they can talk about financial stuff, but i can't. I don't even have a single simple finance knowledge. I don't even know what's crossed cheque, bankdraft n stuff. OMG!!!! Dammit!!!
I am so out these days!!!
Well, I just wanna do a highlights summary on those 3 months as I suddenly had a flashback on it. First of all, the board game "Die Siedler von Catan" or "The Settlers of Catan". Now almost everyone around me gets addicted to this game. We've been playing so regularly and it's like some sorta routine di. Seriously those out there that haven't played it, you should try it.
Trips. from Malacca, to Kuching, to Hong Kong, and the recent Penang Trip which I've promised to blog about but still quite lazy to do so. Malacca trip was good because I finally get to meet my relatives after so many years. It was also CNY that time so I really had a good time. Kuching wasn't that great but was good as I get to meet my brother and first time meeting up with his girlfriend. Hong Kong was good in terms of goodies. Bought quite some stuff from there. Penang Trip was the most enjoyable for me this far.
Celebrations. I finally get to celebrate CNY and my Birthday back here. My birthday wasn't a great one but it was kinda special in some ways.
Not to forget the admission letter for masters course. At least I've confirmed when and what my next step would be.
Well I guess that's the highlights of what I've done. I felt great that I get to do so many things, but on the other hand I do felt very lonely and emotional from time to time. I felt that I've already reach the peak of my holiday and I know the next few months wouldnt be anymore pleasant. Emotional problem rises like mad these days and I can tell u sometimes I really can't stand it especially when I'm alone at home. I sometimes wish that none of these ever started although I had very enjoyable moments.
I'm so dried up now. I mean I'm moodless already. Now that I only have 3 months to go, I should enjoy every moment doing things that i want to do before I leave. But I don't have the will and power anymore. I just feel like leaving here as soon as possble. I know I wouldn't be happy either leaving this country, but at least I get to escape all those emo problems I faced here.
I hate changes sometimes. I'm not a flexible person, I don't adapt to new environments or parameters that easily. The worse kind of changes that i hate to experience are those flash or instant changes. Those that happen so sudden. You imagine today you're having a happy day and the next day you have a whole streak of unhappy incident and it happens with the same party and same variables. Sometimes i even get misunderstood for changes. Sometimes those changes looks positive on the surface, but turns out negative when you get deeper into it.
Sometimes, u see a light shining the path in front of you and you naturally thought it was hope, but it turns out that the hopeful path will only lead you to a dead end where you can't even turn back. every step u took in this path, you put more hopes on it. but the higher the hopes, the harder you fall. But in most situations, you didn't choose this path. its just so natural that you want to walk on it coz u hope for something more.
Sigh, the emo streak continues. I've never been that emo since i came back. I shouldn't look at things so heavily, or should i say i took things too seriously and now i'm unable to turn back. My only path now is to walk on, and try to find branches that would lead me out of this dead-end.
I always mentioned that when it comes to decision making, we have our rational part and emotional part. Sometimes we make decision based on very solid prove and taking every consequences into account, but sometimes we just choose to follow our heart. Of course in most situation, rationality gives us the right solution, but not all the time. Sometimes we have to follow what our heart says.
I have been very emotional these days. In fact I made alot of decision and action based on emotion. Sometimes it does bring me guilt in terms of the so called "right or wrong", or in simple way it's simply wrong to do so, but i rather have guilts than regrets. A close friend of mine once told me, as long as you're happy just do it.
But I just want to say, no matter how wrong it is or how much guilt it can bring to me, I know what I'm doing. I'm emotionally rational.
Remember my post about losing confidence? I think I've started to gain back some. I really don't know where the energy come from. I guess mainly its the support of my friends. I've been driving further now and though I've still phobias of parallel parking or sometimes even reverse park, but at least I manage to drive to One Utama and SS2 without any problems or fear. I think I know that's the main problem before this -MYSELF. I'm just so reluctant to adapt back to the culture here. I felt I don't belong here, neither do I belong to anywhere else. After my acceptance in Singapore NTU, I felt I have to adapt myself to the culture here, afterall singapore's culture is not much different from Msia, most part of it.
Anyway I do hope for a time freeze machine. Or rather I hope for a time travel machine. I want to turn back time. I want to repent those mistakes I've ever done. I wish I can start my life again. Well, no need to restart from the beginning, just bring me back to moments where I need to patch things up.
But I'm freaking abnormal. I start to wonder am I from planet Emotron instead just like transformers from cybertron. I was really hoping that einstein didn't die that early, so that he can continue to research on his theory of relativity. With that we would probably have a Mercedez Chrono series di, where it can bring u back to the past. Ok the Mercedez Chrono is just a crap, pls dun go on google n search for it.
I remember in one of those post I've wrote last time stating that I want happy moments to freeze or repeat again. I had a comment from Jessica that if there would be take two, it wouldn't be the same anymore. I guess maybe I should learn how to let those happy moments go and just enjoy the process of it.

YES! Finally won my first personal title in PES2009. Well since I can never be a real football superstar in reality, I would like to thank Konami for such a wonderful game, allowing us to "become a legend" in virtual football world. My next target would be more personal titles, such as footballer of the year blablabla. lolx.
This worth congratulating about??? WTF? Just a game??
This is the real thing.
At the meantime, I will update a lil on myself. On Monday I went to watch the movie Knowing with Keen Seng. Well overall the movie wasn't that good. The first half was kinda thrilling and interesting, but then it became a piece of shit. I have still tons of movie to watch and looking for people to go with me. I had this crazy idea of watching movie alone to experience it. I reckon it would suit me alot since I'm such an emo person. To magnify the effects, I guess I'll watch romance movie alone. Lets see how emo i can get then lol.
I'm not doing a review on this movie though i borrowed the title of it for this post. Nah it's just that I've been quite emo this week. One small part of it is because I miss the Penang trip though it's only a short trip. Like I said in my previous posts, the location of the trip is secondary, the primary factor is the company. It can't get any better going with Kelsen and Gabe, furthermore Keen Seng and Lloyd are able to join us this time. But I guess the bigger factor that causes this Emo streak is the confidence.
Honestly till now I've not gain back my confidence in driving. Even as a passenger, I just couldn't open my eyes seeing the driver squeezing through a narrow gap or doing a difficult parallel parking. I just wonder how did i lose everything?? I think if you ask me to take the driving test again, I would probably fail badly.
I realize that it's not just the confidence in driving that I've lost. I've lost confidence in life too. Because of that, I have the reluctancy to execute lots of things. Just as an example I've lost confidence to be in a crowded area. Now i felt very shy to be in public areas. I felt shy when my friend introduce me to their friends, especially the opposite sex.
WTF?? I think back on those 4 years that I'm in Germany. I can't afford not to be confident in myself. I face strangers speaking a foreign language almost everyday but yet I still dare to face them. I have been humiliated because i speak broken German, but yet I still have the guts to do so. Just all in a sudden, while I'm back in my HOME COUNTRY, i lost my BALLS??
KNOWING my problem, but not KNOWING how to solve it. Sigh help me peeps. help me regain my confidence.
One word to describe it - GREAT!
Food, Scenes, People, Chics
A Full description wif photos is under construction.
Stay TUNE!
Well, maybe people would be asking me what is the definition of an enjoyable birthday? Fancy cake? Expensive present? Nah. 10 years ago I would think that way. To me, the most enjoyable birthday is to be able to hang out with the people that I want to. For example, my hommies, or my other half if i had one. I would trade all my materials/properties/money for quality moment, coz I define happyness as having quality moments in life.
This year wasn't anything outstanding but was quite special. At least I'm in Malaysia to celebrate with my family/friends. On the 5th April I had dinner at Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama with my college friends and my friend's gf. Surprisingly though my full of poser face college mates was just too lazy to pose for photoshoot. After that most of them head home as they have to work. So Gabe,Kseng, Melvin n I headed to Subang Asia Cafe for a short pool session. After that we headed to our usual hangout place in Kuchai Lama for a drink.
On the 6th April, I had a drink with my ex-gf. It's been a long long time since we met up. We hardly keep in touch too these days. We had lots to catch up with each other. Later on Gabe n Keen Seng joined in. On the 7th, of course I had birthday dinner with my family. But before that I had an unofficial interview for an internship position. I think internship could be a good option for me as my availability is bad. Despite not serious with it, I still felt bad coz I didn't do well in the interview. It was kinda typical interview, where they asked 3 IQ question which I'm able to answer 2 1/2 out of 3, and some character questions like "do u u think ur smart?", "give me reasons why i SHOULD NOT hire you?" blablabla.
Anyway, initially after the dinner Kel actually planned to hang out with me. But he was extremely exhausted. Therefore I stayed at home. But then my friend sms-ed me asking me out for a drink. Well at least somebody to accompany me for the last few hours of my birthday. I enjoyed it actually, though I was freaking nervous driving the car around.
Sounds normal/boring eh? Not to me though.
Yeah, and I'm finally 1 year older. Nothing to celebrate bout it but yeah, watever!
Ahh, sometimes its difficult when you're stuck in between. Anyway I just came back from my usual board game outing with my fellow Catan friends. I have an intention to spread this board game to all of my friends here. Yes I know board games are usually quite "bored". But trust me, once you're exposed to this game, you'll love it. Even the person that I least expect him to play is now an addict. Sorry ah Sheng Wa aka Godfathar, i wasn't expecting you to be such an addict. I mean what so special about this German board game?? only one way to find out. Come play with us. We have 2 sets of Catan + 1 Deutschland Edition set now and we can accommodate 12 players. We also have a Variation expansion which allows the rules to bent and additional stuff which makes the game more interesting. So I'm urging and inviting all those that are interested to contact me or my fellow board game gang. I'm sorry I'm not able to expose any of our contact details, but what you can do is to comment that you're interested, I'll think of a way how to contact you. Btw, This game "Die Siedler von Catan" or "The Settlers of Catan" have been voted the Monopoly Killer.
Haha i guess its my style of writing blogs. I have to suave away from the main topic for at least one paragraph before entering the main topic. Yeah jobs? Initially I plan to look for a permanent job after CNY and if the job is good, i don't plan to study masters. Then I thought it would be foolish to do so since I'll be travelling almost the whole month of March. Then I plan to look for job when i come back but then I'll have my birthday week plus Penang trip. So maybe it would be wise if i look for job after that. But no more permanent job, probably part-time or freelance. But now i can even forget bout it since my mom wants us(my parents and I) to go the Australia in May/June. How to work?? I'll be straight here, I don't wanna work in restaurants or even promoters job since I don't gain any experience. I prefer to work in the office or engineering related, such as technician or lab assistant, or tutoring. Worse case would be being a typist, office clerk/boy, data entry. But problem is, who would want to employ me? I can't even be sure of my own availability.
Although my parents told me to take this period off as holiday after the hectic 4 years degree course, but hey I'm freaking 24 this year! I'm so shy to tell u guys this...I'M USING MY PARENTS MONEY~!!!! Fark. I feel so embarrassed of myself. Most of my friends are already giving business cards during gatherings/meetings but me?? Fark fark fark!!!
Money is secondary actually. Imagine this. The next time i finish my master degree and then finally looking for a job. In the interview, they ask me "what have you done while waiting for your masters to start?" What? Tell them "basically I just stay at home during day time waiting for my dad to bring me for lunch, and then meet up with friends playing board game during the night??"
SHIT! I hate it!
Today I followed my dad to pasar malam. Actually I didn't intend to go but today the Streamyx bill came and it doesn't look good. All these while we've been using the RM44 package which give us 60 hours of surfing time @ 512kbps download speed. Obviously 60 hours is not good enough for me, and 512kbps is like torturing me. I can still bare with the speed, I mean if i want to download anything i can still leave it on the whole night for it to complete. But the time limitation is really a killer factor. So after a long discussion with my dad, we had to choice - either to upgrade to streamyx 88 or to switch to P1 Wimax.
P1 seems to be very attractive and gets good review from users. So, we decided to visit the nearest roadshow booth which is at the pasar malam today. Sadly my area is not under full coverage yet but they'll still send somebody to my house for a test one of these days. Anyway back to the main topic. Of course I did walk 1 round thru the pasar malam. Ahh gives me lots of memories. There're few stalls that remain at the same position, for example the pirated computer CD shop that i always visited, the fried carrot cake shop, taiwanese sausage, and many more.
I walk to pasar malam with my dad. Not that we can't drive, just that we should exercise once in a while. Looking back during my form 4 period, I have to walk all the way to Happy Garden, which is about 25mins walk, then from there walk around 10-15 mins to OUG pasar malam. That's one way journey, and the same thing back home. Yes its freaking tiring but I really enjoy those moments alot.
Nowadays, none of us like to go pasar malam already. We go there probably for a specific purpose only. True enough, I did not meet a single friend in pasar malam, while my dad met at least 2 -3 groups of his students. I guess the pasar malam thingy has long gone for our generation.
Anyway it was a good to walk pasar malam again and i hope i can persuade some of my friends to walk with me one day.
Nah, actually wasn't something really that bad. Just that when I reach home and after my bath, I sat down on my lazy chair and start having some thoughts again. Like I've mentioned in my previous post, the most dangerous situation is that you're alone at home coz ur mind will start playing tricks on you. Well, 4 years in Germany, i've really sacrifice alot. My sacrifice are in terms of my friends network. Well, don't even need to talk about the possible new friends i would have made if i stayed back, but even those from high skul now, its getting distanced apart.
I had this idea of meeting up all my ex skul mates, especially those where i was once close to them. I mean I've been distanced with my friends since form 4, and i know i have to blame myself for that. Now that i want to meet up with them, i just felt shy and awkward. For so long we've not been in contact, suddenly ask them to meet up...i mean it sounds weird right??
Well luckily we are in facebook era. I've been actively adding friends and sending them message. I guess that's the best way to start catching up with them, before we meet up face to face. Otherwise it would be quite a cold situation if we just meet up like that...
Anyway, today is April fools day. I dont expect any of my friends to fool me since we're all grown up now. But I guess I wouldn't mind being pranked once in a while..
Anyway a lil update first. It could be the weather in HK that affects me, but on Monday I felt super hot in KL, I mean BURNING HOT! And then on Tuesday and Wednesday I was feeling headache and dizzy. All I did was sleep and eat thats all. Can't even stay in front of the PC for more than 5 mins. Paracetemol only help to ease the pain for short period. Good things I recovered on Thursday. But on Thursday I had quarrel with my mom which is one of the emo problem. On Friday my friend Jia Uei and Sally came back from Germany and I spent the whole day with them in Midvalley. They brought back my Bachelor Certificates and a set of "siedler von Catan" for me. At night we had dinner with Quan Wei's family. Later I joined the usual board game gang at Little Tree Cafe in Kuchai Lama. I think Little Tree Cafe should give us a VIP card since we're like regular customer.
Well thats bout the updates. I actually felt emo because of family and "friends" issue. In general I would say that when you're most of the time at home doing nothing, you'll start to think alot. My mom, she treats me like a kid. I mean, I'm happy that she's being protective and caring, but a bit too much I felt. I'm a couple of days to 24 and I'm already an adult. I don't ask for anything, I just want my mom to treat me like an adult. Every night I hang out with friends till late, she'll try her best to stay up and wait for me, eventhough she's extremely tired. I noe she just want me to be safe, but as I said, I'm already 24!!! I've struggled but survived throughout my 4 years in Germany, and I'm more than capable of handling my ownself. Hey, I'm not asking her to totally back off from my life, just hoping that she'll understand that there're lots of things in life she couldn't control anymore. She have to let go and let me explore my own life. Many other things that she've done that made me felt like I'm a kid, which is hard for me to explain.
Right, that's the family issue. Well nothing much about the friends issue actually, just one or two of my friends. This issue is even harder to express out, but in summary I can say is that history repeats very easily if we don't control the situation well.
This week Kelsen came back but didn't get to hang out with him much. Each time I meet this 'old dead'(老死) of mine, I'll sure tell him lots of story about my life, the hidden part of it. Sigh! I'm just lack of confidence in my own life and I'm poor in emotion management! Man, good thing I'm still single, otherwise my partner would be suffering being with a person like me!!!
Fark myself!!
Anyway, the last 3 weeks I’ve been to Kuching, Hongkong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. I’ll start off with Kuching trip first.
Kuching trip was more like visiting my brother there and celebrate his belated birthday. I didn’t explore much in Kuching, but it was quite a dramatic trip. We booked AirAsia zero fair ticket, which ended up around RM300 ringgit for all the three of us roundtrip. Well though AirAsia flight sux, but I’m used to it since I’ve been taking budget flights around Europe so often. Our flight was at 18:00 and we must check in minimum 1 hour before flight since its local flight. Our plan was to take a taxi to KL Central and from there take a LCCT shuttle bus to save money. Our plan was good, as we plan to leave the house before 14:30, and have our lunch at LCCT. At max we would reach around 16:30 even with traffic jam I suppose.
We depart from our house at 14:00 and reach KL central at 14:20. We board the bus at 14:30 which is great. Everything goes as planned. Suddenly we saw lots of idiots running around the streets, some even walk in the middle of the road causing some traffic jam. Then we saw a whole gang of police with smokes around the vicinity. Then only we realized that there’s a demonstration going on, and they were demonstrating about the English education thingy. They want it to be removed ASAP. I manage to snap some shots from the bus.
We were stuck in the jam for 45 mins before we were diverted into another route which is smooth flowing. Finally we thought, “hey finally we are out of trouble and we are on time for the flight”. Then the bus driver turn round and round, and I was wondering what was he doing. The route to LCCT was straight forward, just follow the KLIA signboard, and after reaching around KLIA there’s a turning to LCCT. I felt something was wrong, so did my dad, but he tell me that these bus drivers will do everything to avoid tollgates, so maybe he’s just avoiding it. I told my dad 99% he’s lost, but I can’t stand up and guide since I was 100% sure bout the route to LCCT. After around 15 mins, my dad finally stood up and asked if the bus driver is lost, but the driver still refuse to admit he’s lost. Finally a guy behind raises his voice and told the bus driver what to do. Later on we found out that the bus driver is BUTA HURUF!!!! WTF?? I mean he could have told us earlier he’s lost or he could have called up the the office centre to ask for direction. Blardy shit!!!
In the end we reached at 17:40 which is like 20mins b4 flight. We were pretty lucky to have made it for the flight as the flight was delayed like 30 mins. Otherwise we could have missed the flight, thanks to the blardy shuttle bus. There was a guai lou on the same bus but he was unfortunate that he missed his flight. I heard he was shouting and the counter. Poor innocent fella.
Anyway, as I said, I didn’t explore much in Kuching as it was mainly a visiting trip, but here’re some pics. Btw, Kuching’s Kolou mee is really freaking damn tasty!!!!
Now, let me reveal the trip of the month – Hongkong – Shenzhen – Guangzhou trip.
I still call this a relaxation trip since its with family and we had a easy going trip. Nothing to talk about our flight as it was a smooth comfortable one with MAS airlines. Oh the air tix was cheap too, RM2500 for 3 of us 2 ways.
Since I have two aunties staying in Hong Kong, we save quite a lot of money not staying in the Hotels. In general, HongKong has few things expensive, Accomodation, Food and Transportation. But other than that everything else is cheap cheap cheap!!!
I’ll start off with a chornographical log on what I did and later tell u more bout hong kong in my point of view. We arrived quite late on the 13th. My 3rd Aunt and Uncle were in the airport to pick me up. Hong Kong airport is really HUGE!!! Maybe its because there’s no sky train and we walked quite a distance to the baggage claim belt. I was down with flu actually right after I came back from Sarawak, therefore I wasn’t feeling well during that day. Immediately after we exit the airport, I felt the nice and cool weather of Hongkong. 15 degrees, perfect weather. I love 15 degrees sunny with abit of cool air blowing. I love wearing a T-shirt with a jacket, but my parents didn’t enjoy it that much though. We had supper and only return to my 1st Aunt’s home at 1.30am the next day.
Sunday we visited the flower exhibition 2009 in Victoria Park Hong Kong. In the exhibition, you see lots of “pros” with their DSLR taking close-ups on those beautiful flowers. I can say in 10 people, at least 8 of them possess a DSLR. I felt so shy to take out my Panasonic TZ2 slightly better than a point2shoot camera. Oh before that I have to mention, the well-known Hongkong style yum cha cum dim sum. After the flower fest, we went around the Causeway Bay, Avenue of Stars, Tsim Sha Tsui, Wan Chai before we had dinner around Lai Chee Kok, where my aunt stays. Good thing about going with parents and having aunts there is that, I get to taste good food in good restaurants, and u get to see how the upper generations fighting to pay for the bills. Of course my mom lose out since they’re the host, and they are 10x faster. You gotta be fast if u want to survive in hongkong.
Flower Fest 2009 with my mom and my Dai Yee Ma(大姨妈)
On the 15th we head to Shenzhen, but by the time we reach there it was already afternoon. We only spent 2 hours in Window of the World and skip the famous chinese cultural village. Basically Shenzhen was just a touch-and-go city as we didn’t explore much. Fortunately we stayed right across the busy Dongmen street, where it’s a so called shopping paradise. Sadly, I didn’t get anything from there as most of their “branded” items are quite local, example Qiaodan, 361 degrees…lolx..its like SEED and PADINI here. Well at least SEED is a better brand.
Window of the world
On the 16th we spent half a day in Shenzhen, meeting up with my mom’s friends’ father, he brought us for “shopping” lolx. I quote the shopping word because there’re some hidden truth which I’m not telling in this blog. About 4pm we depart to Guangzhou with the fast train. It was a direct train and only takes 50mins to Guangzhou.
We reach guangzhou around 5pm and we reached the hotel around 5.30pm. All of us were tired travelling and my dad was feeling kinda sick. So all of us decided to get some rest. Later that night we had our dinner at a local fastfood restaurant called “real kungfu” lolx. Since our hotel is just right behind the pearl river, we had a short walk along the river. Very beautiful place.
On the 17th and 18th we booked a private tour around Guangzhou. We visited the Yuexiu park, Sun Yat Sen’s memorial hall, Chen Clan Temple, night river cruise at the pearl river, yuntai garden, shanghai concert hall, business center, and baiyun mountain. The highlights of Guangzhou :
1.) LOTS OF CARS! And they drive 10x more reckless than KL drivers or Penang drivers. Trust me, u think u’re reckless? Go to guangzhou and I bet u’ll get banged or bang a car very soon.
2.) Very well developed. But I don’t like the mentality of the people there. I bet u will agree with me if u’ve ever experienced them.
3.) I LOVE the ancient costume pic I’ve taken there. I would enlarge it and frame it up lolxx.
4.) Food. The old sayings “食在广州” is true. Lots of good food there.
On the 19th we travel back to Hong Kong. My 3rd aunt was already waiting for us. We headed home and had a rest before dinner time. After dinner, my aunt promise me to get me a pair of shoes for my upcoming birthday, and I love the way she do her shopping. Visited one shop, asked me if I like adidas sneakers, after I said yes she asked the salesgirl to bring the LATEST NEW ARRIVAL MODEL of the adicolor series, tried on, pay! Its like I bought the shoes within 5 mins. Initially I’ve prepared some money to get shoes in Hongkong and definitely not adicolor, but now I can use those money for other things.
On the 20th we spent half a day in Lantau Island climbing up the stairs to see the Giant Buddha. Then it was a shopping spree in the evening and the next day.
I tell u what is cheap and good in Hongkong.
1.) SHOES. They have a street called sport shoes street, only selling branded sport shoes. The best thing is that every original priced Adidas shoes has a 20% discount while Nike has 10%. If u ever find one shop selling cheaper than the other, u can even report them to the consumer rights association. Cool eh? Next time I go hongkong, I’ll just go with a pasar malam slippers, and buy shoes there.
2.) Clothings. Ok don’t talk about Tsim Sha Tsui, as they sell designers there. Actually even designer goods cost cheaper than those here, furthermore u get tax free if u’re a tourist. Other than designer, those average brand cost cheaper than here too. I bought 3 G2000 shirts, 2 khaki shorts, 1 T-shirt and that’s about it. I could have gotten more but there’s no room in the luggage bag coz my mom bought extra 2 adidas shoes one for my bro one for herself.
3.) Electronics. I didn’t get any coz I’m afraid if anything goes wrong I will have difficulties with the warranty and stuff. Besides I don’t need any electronics at the moment. But I’ve walked the computer center in Sham Shui Po and compared the prices. I can say at least 20% cheaper.
Aiks super long post di. I’ll do the other parts in the next post la. Have some rest first, out of ideas di.
though I have lots to tell...
STAY TUNE for KUCHING and HONG KONG trip post!
Ahh fuck it! I have more serious things to talk about in this post.
In my previous post, I talked about the German board game i brought back. Initially I bought it because its the perfect souvenir from Germany because :
1.) While in Germany this board game is one of my hobby
2.) This version is the German Edition which features the map of germany and its significant landmark
3.) Nothing else represent Germany than this board game
I never thought that my hommies around here love that game so much. We played almost 3-4 times a week for the past 2 weeks. At first it was only the 3 of us - Gabe, Dave and me but now even Sheng Wa and Khian Foo joined in. If i knew that it is such a hot cake, I would have brought back the original set which is more challenging and interesting. Its hard to explain the difference but I'm trying hard to get the original set all the way from Germany. Jia-Uei is coming back on the 28th this month so I hope he can get me one set.

But I truly hope we don't do it too often it'll get board easily. There're few expansion set actually and I see if they can bring it back for me or not la.

Well speaking about this addictive board game, it all started like this :
The pic above shows 2 sets of the game with 3 players each. These are my kaki Siedler in Germany. The picture below is when we played one of the expansion set (Cities and Knights). This expansion set basically allows every kingdom to build soldiers and enhancement to the city such as knowledge development or economic growth etc. I've only played once with them and it took us 3 hours to play and still no winners yet. We have to leave it because we were catching the last train home.
Well, enough of the board game. Lets just hope my friend can bring one set back for me.
Another update,
Well, its the low end cheap semi-acoustic guitar, but for this price this sounds pretty good, even better than the black one i had in Germany.
So frenz, I've told you I enjoy just sitting around playing the guitar and sing eventhough I'm still amateur and I don't have a good voice. Please please call me if you're also interested in doing the same thing.