Emotional ver.2

The series of up and down feeling continues. Emotional ver.2 describes it all. Well, today not so much of a down feeling. Not really a happy day either, so i guess i should say its a normal day for me.

Lets talk a lil bout gadget. I've received my external HDD case which i've ordered last week. I took out my 250GB SATA hdd from my PC and convert it to external HDD. Reason is simple, I've loads of TVB series and other media files to give out, which i've promised my friends in KL. This year's gadget collection is not as much as last year, guess its because i've what i've wanted.

I finished my Matlab project and handed up to the lecturer today. Its a relief for me, as I've been working on this project for quite some time. Next would be exams, coming up very soon. To be more specific, its one week time. Preparation? Super bad. I spend more time with my mic and headphones than with my books. Chatting chatting chatting. I guess its because I'm going back to KL soon so I'm kinda busy making plans already. Another reason would be that though the "season of loneliness" is soon coming to an end, but there are some part of it still affecting my emotion.

I've been wondering, what would be after I leave KL for germany again around October? Well, somethings I'm not suppose to mention in this blog but i guess the answer to this question would be clear to those who knoes what I'm saying. But I couldn't care much actually, its the future. All I have to do now is to set my mind very clear what I'm doing, and don't let feelings or instinct control my rational thinking. I guess i should learn not to be so emotional from time to time.

I was mentioning to my ex today about how I really enjoyed the time in TARC. A lil flashback, my Uni life over here is not as cool as my College life in TARC setapak. Well, main reason is that I don't have much close friend around here. I enjoy being in college last time because i know, no matter how boring the lecturer can be, I'm still able to meet up my classmates and hang out with them during breaks. In Uni over here, the system is too flexible. You would see all your classmates during the first few classes but as time goes by, u'll probably won't see many ppl attending classes. Today 50 students, 2moro maybe half, and the next day even worse. I got to admit that I skip classes often too. The few close friends that I have are mostly not doing EEE. So we don't hang out much, only at times where we hav the same break time. I remember the time we spend in TBR, mamak, setapak...... during break time,during my college life. I remember how i enjoyed so much chatting or rather gossiping with my hsemates for hours. I remember all the bridge sessions in study room few weeks just before exams. Sighz, a long list full of memorable memories. But of course, the main factor is because I had wonderful classmates sj4pians. I think we should name our class "SJ4P United" because we were so unite that time. Lolz, we always had our lunch in TBR till even when class already started, we still take our sweet time walking back to class. Its because the majority of the students in our class are hanging out together.

Good thing happens for a short while. I had my moments with my college mates, and i guess it won't happen to me anymore. Now that I'm in Uni in germany, and very soon I'll start to work, I guess i won't be able to enjoy such good companies anymore.

Whatever sweet moments I had in the past, its over. I still have to walk on. A long long journey in front of me. Since the world would not change to adapt to my needs, I'll have to change my needs to adapt to the world.


Anonymous said...

haha, yeah, time flies, people changes. life's like that.
but you take control of your life.
happy times flies by very fast.
bad times are always around. be strong dude. u're strong!

Douglas said...

yeah...though i hate changes but i hav to accept it one way or another.

yeap, happy time passes very fast, so exams are coming very soon and i'll just assume in my brain that exams are happy moments, so by right it should pass faster right???lolzzzz

I'm strong, onli in one part.lolz.

anywayz thx for the comment.....
